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3 R D   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   C O N F E R E N C E   O N   E L E C T R O N I C   V O T I N G
Best of EVOTE 08
A milestone for the international evoting-community is the bi-annual EVOTE-Conference in Austria. What is the current state of E-Voting around the globe? With a complete coverage and additional interviews and discussions, MonitorTV provides you with the latest up-to-date information on E-voting 

W E L C O M E   N O T E S
R O B E R T   K R I M M E R
E-Voting 2008: What to expect.
M I C H A E L   R E M M E R T
Council of Europe
R Ü D I G E R   G R I M M
Gesellschaft f. Informatik
[... more ...] [... more ...] [... more ...]
S E S S I O N 1
E-Voting Experiences
L E O N T I N E   L O E B E R
From General Acceptance to General Doubt in Two Years
T H A D   H A L L
The Estonian Experience
(Part I)
E P P   M A A T E N
The Estonian Experience
(Part II)
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 S E S S I O N   2
Empirical Findings of E-Voting
G A B R I E L   K A T Z
"Assessing the Impact of E-Voting Technologies on Electoral Outcomes: an Analysis of Buenos Aires' 2005 Congressional Election"
A L I C I A   K O L A R   P R E V O S T
"Assessing Internet Votingvg as an Early Voting Reform in the United States"

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 S E S S I O N   3
Legal & Procedural Issues of E-Voting
"A Methodology for Assessing Procedural Security: A Case Study in E-Voting"
J O R D I   P U I G G A L I
"Secure Remote Voter Registration"
L U C I E   L A N G E R
"Long-term Retention in E-Voting - Legal Requirements and Technical Implementation"
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S E S S I O N   4
Comparison of  E-Voting
R O B E R T   K R I M M E R
"The E-Voting Readiness Index: A Survey"
R O N A L D   S C H U S T E R
"The E-Voting Readiness Index: A Survey"
D O U G L A S   O ' F L A H E R T Y
"Malfunction or Misfits: Comparing Requirements, Inputs and Public Confidence Outcomes of E-Voting in the U.S. and Europe"
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S E S S I O N   5
Verification of E-Voting
D A V I D   L U D I N
"Simple and Secure Electronic Voting with Prêt a Voter"
R O B E R T O   A R A Ú J O
"Improving the Farnel Voting Scheme"

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S E S S I O N   6
Certification of E-Voting
M E L A N I E   V O L K A M E R
"Development of a Formal IT Security Model for Remote Electronic Voting Systems"
J O R D I   B A R R A T   I   E S T E V E
"The Certification of E-Voting Mechanisms. Fighting against Opacity"
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S E S S I O N   7
Technological Issues of E-Voting
J O E R G   H E L B A C H
"Code Voting with Linkable Group Signatures"
C H R I S T O P H   L Ö H R
"CAPTCHA-based Code Voting"
 [... more ...]  [... more ...]
S E S S I O N   8
Political Issues of E-Voting
R Ü D I G E R   G R I M M
"Workshop I Results"
R O B E R T   K R I M M E R
"Workshop II Results"
M I C H A E L   R E M M E R T
"Workshop III Results"
 [... more ...]  [... more ...]  [... more ...]
(c) 2008 Copyright by Mag. Thomas Ebner, Alle Rechte vorbehalten